Understanding the different types of headaches and their causes and symptoms is the first step in this care journey.
Headache types fall into two categories:
PRIMARYhappen more than once and have unknown causes |
SECONDARYlinked to specific causes, such as trauma or neck pain |
PRIMARYhappen more than once and have unknown causes |
SECONDARYlinked to specific causes, such as trauma or neck pain |
Causes contributing to headache disorders and migraine disease in veterans3:
- Chemical activity in the brain
- Nerve and/or muscle pain
- Family genetics
- Lifestyle factors, such as alcohol, certain foods and insomnia
- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
- Also known as concussion
- Exposure to environmental hazards
- Burn pits
- Stress and mental health conditions
- 38% of veterans have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression and other mental health issues5
Headache symptoms vary depending on the underlying cause6,7:
Chronic pain and discomfort
Sensitivity to light, sound or odor
Vision changes
Nausea and vomiting
Dizziness and lightheadedness
Poor concentration
I sent him to war a whole, healthy strong man, and they returned a
broken shell of a man to me. It can be a very lonely road.
Lee Karcher, caregiver to her husband, Mark, who suffers from PTSD and migraine headaches caused by TBI8
American Legion Magazine, “Upside Down Lives” by Ken Olsen
American Legion Magazine, “Upside Down Lives” by Ken Olsen
It’s crucial for veterans to seek proper medical care to manage their migraine and headache disorders.
- National Headache Foundation. Published May 1, 2024. Accessed May 1, 2024. https://headaches.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Operation-Brainstorm-Brochure-PDF.pdf
- National Headache Foundation. Published May 1, 2024. Accessed May 1, 2024. https://headaches.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Operation-Brainstorm-Brochure-PDF.pdf
- National Headache Foundation. Published May 1, 2024. Accessed May 1, 2024. https://headaches.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Operation-Brainstorm-Brochure-PDF.pdf
- Headache. Mayo Clinic. Published May 1, 2024. Accessed May 1, 2024. https://www.mayoclinic.org/symptoms/headache/basics/causes/sym-20050800
- Smith, J. Operation Brainstorm presentation at the 2023 American Legion National Convention
- National Headache Foundation. Published May 1, 2024. Accessed May 1, 2024. https://headaches.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Operation-Brainstorm-Brochure-PDF.pdf
- National Headache Foundation. Published May 1, 2024. Accessed May 1, 2024. https://headaches.org/how-post-traumatic-headache-impacts-our-veterans/
- Olsen, K. Upside Down Lives. American Legion Magazine. Published May 1, 2024. https://www.legion.org/magazine/212983/upside-down-lives